Monica Perez Vega

Contemporary Artist | My Life in Trees

Tag: painting

Ghost Story

Ghost Story sits in an ambiguous space. Plumes of smoke merge into the forest canopy, blurring trees with sky.  Sparks rise in the foreground- is it a cosy campfire or creeping wildfire? This painting is inspired by memories of home; as a child, sitting round the campfire with family, telling ghost stories in the redwood

Weary Harold

Weary Harold Group Exhibition Opening: 18 Feb 6-9 pm 19-Feb-18 March 2022   ASC Gallery The Chaplin CentreTaplow HouseThurlow StreetLondon SE17 2DG Open M-F 10:30-17:00 Weary Harold, the Byronic hero from the epic poem, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, has been both venerated and ridiculed through the ages for his ambitious longing for adventure,

How Are You, Babe?

Installation views from exhibition, “How Are You, Babe?” at Blank 100 in London. Featuring works by Alice Morey, Iseult Enright, Madelynn Mae Green, Mew Jirasirikul, Monica Perez Vega, Niloofar Taatizadeh, Paola Estrella, Rayvenn D’Clark, Rosie Gibbens and Yuli Serfaty.